Update to Chapter 3: International Aspects of U.S. Capital Markets
Update on Chapter 4: The International Aspects of U.S. Banking Markets
Update to Chapter 10: Payment Systems
Update to Chapter 19: Sovereign Debt and Emerging Market Debt Crises
Update to Chapter 20: Chinese Financial Markets
Update to Chapter 21: Controlling The Financing Of Terrorism, Wars, and Financial Terrorism
Update to Chapter 22: Fintech: Law, Policy, and Financial Innovation in The Digital Age
Selected Updates on International Finance, Transactions, Policy, and Regulation*
Each module includes a PDF of the original textbook chapter (from 2022) and a PDF of the update showing recent developments (through 2024).
*The original version of each chapter has been excerpted from the following textbook: Hal S. Scott and Anna Gelpern, International Finance, Transactions, Policy, and Regulation, 24th Edition, Foundation Press (Dec. 15, 2022), available here: https://faculty.westacademic.com/Book/Detail/346777.